Digital Freedom Platform
"Of the People, By the People, For the People"
About Us
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Phase 1
Rose/Icke III
Rose/Icke III: The Livestream
1 million Viewers
Cost: $100,000
Goal Completed!
Phase 2
Controversial Voices
Dr. Rashid Butter
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Brig. General Robert S. Spalding
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Cost: $200,000
Goal Completed!
Phase 3
Blockchain Technology
A New Blockchain Platform
Full Content independence
Cost: $200,000
Goal Completed!
Phase 4
Build The Freedom App
For ios & Android
Stream Banned Content From
Your Mobile Device
Cost: $250,000
Phase 2
The Digital freedom
Platform Legal Fund
Take Youtube To The EU Court
Froce Private Compaines to
Adhere to Basic Human Rights
Cost: $250,000
Phase 1
Since announcing our crowdfunding campaign, we have blown through our initial goal in the first 24 hours to livestream ROSE / ICKE III to 1 million concurrent users on May 3, 2020, which will be the most watched conversation in human history.
Phase 2
We accelerating our plans and announcing Phase 2, bringing in more guests who will be banned on social media platforms for exclusive conversations on controversial topics.
Watch Dr. Rashid Buttar in conversation and find out what the mainstream media don’t want you to know.
Phase 3
Our next funding goal, Phase 3, will launch a new blockchain technology solution as part of the Digital Freedom Platform, guaranteeing a bulletproof, robust and shareable user experience.
Phase 4
The Digital Freedom Platform APP (for both iOS and Android) is the Ultimate Platform Independent Insurance of our Basic Human Right to Freedom of Speech. Anytime, anywhere you can stream BANNED CONTENT directly from your mobile device.
Phase 5
It’s Time To Fight Back!! We have discovered a European Union Civil Liberties Law that we believe can be used to force private companies acting as public utilities to adhere to our Basic Human Right for Free Speech. We believe we can win this case but it requires strong financial backing as we go to battle with a Trillion dollar Goliath.
This defining moment for our digital free speech will be provided using independent technology to ensure LIVE, UNCENSORED, UNINTERRUPTED ACCESS to what might be the most important conversations you will ever be part of.
And that’s exactly what we’re asking you to do… be part of this moment in history and be a part of the LONDON
All money raised will solely be used to fund the DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM initiative
All money raised will be deposited into a dedicated, audited account
All money raised will only used for this new platform
Any excess funding will be used to support future banned interviews
Any shortfall in funding for ROSE / ICKE III: THE LIVESTREAM will be made up by LONDON REAL
We need you to make this happen… SO SHOW US THAT YOU’RE BEHIND US, SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTE TO OUR CAMPAIGN. Become a Founding Member of this exciting new technology for freedom today!
We are offering a number of levels to support us, including:
The Digital Freedom Platform APP (for both iOS and Android) is the Ultimate Platform Independent Insurance of our Basic Human Right to Freedom of Speech. Anytime, anywhere you can stream BANNED CONTENT directly from your mobile device.
One-off donation of $5
One-off donation of $25
Access to exclusive digital materials including pre-interview studio tour
Attend a post-interview Zoom Q&A with David Icke hosted by Brian Rose directly after the interview
One-off donation of $100
Wear your stripes with pride; show your support for freedom of speech with this T-shirt, London Real mug and exclusive Jute bag
Also includes all of the benefits from Lieutenant tier
One-off donation of $250
Wear your stripes with pride; show your support for freedom of speech with this T-shirt, London Real mug and exclusive Jute bag
Also includes all of the benefits from Lieutenant and Captain tiers
Submit your question for a post-interview Zoom Q&A with David Icke hosted by Brian Rose directly after the interview
One-off donation of $1000
Be a major supporter of the Digital Freedom Platform
Receive a private digital copy of the interview for safekeeping
Includes all of the benefits from Lieutenant, Captain and Major tiers